Extra precautions for employee safety Extra precautions for employee safety

Extra precautions for employee safety

As employees return to work in a phased-in approach, Spirit will follow the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommendation regarding face masks. The CDC recommends that individuals in public settings, especially those who do not adhere to the social distancing standard of six (6) feet, should wear a cloth face covering whenever possible. In support of this, Spirit employees may wear a cloth face covering when returning to work. For those employees who do not have one, one will be provided upon return to work, along with a pocket-size container of antibacterial solution. This by no means replaces the requirement for employees to wash their hands as often as possible, but serves as an immediate solution when they are not able to do so.

Spirit has been taking additional precautions to help protect employees during this crisis. Click here for more information.

Our focus on the health and safety of our employees, their families and our community remains, and we will continue to monitor any changes in requirements and recommendations of our government and health agencies. Employees may visit the Spirit intranet for additional information.

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