Spirit Employees Help Our Communities

Whether it is through contributions to the employee-run Good Neighbor Fund or volunteering, Spirit employees care for our communities.

Good Neighbor Fund

Spirit employees in Kinston, Tulsa and Wichita have established the Good Neighbor Fund, an employee-run, nonprofit organization to monetarily donate to the community.

An employee-elected board of directors determines where funds are allocated. Joining the Good Neighbor Fund in your work community is simple. Employee contributions can be automatically deducted from your paycheck.

Spirit’s Good Neighbor Fund gives employees a unique opportunity to get involved and make a positive difference in the lives of fellow community members. Together we are giving our communities hope.


In 2022, as the first full-year post-pandemic, Spirit sites were able to get back to volunteering around the globe. Spirit employees volunteered more than 12,000 hours in 2022 which was a 50% increase over 2021. That equates to $365,000 of volunteer time invested in our communities.

Here are the metrics:

  • Total volunteer hours: 12,185
  • Total volunteers: 3,915
  • Total donations: $3.83 million (corporate + employee + in-kind)
  • Total employee donations: $1.98 million

Over the last 10 years, Spirit employees have volunteered 128,875 hours with a total of

37,810 volunteers. Employees have given $24.7 million, which does not include corporate dollars.